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Writer's picturejostaats

All This...For THAT?

Updated: Aug 5, 2023

There has been so much going on this week that I don't know how to get it all into one blog.

First, our Lula update.

Lula is still moving with the herd, albeit slower than usual. She's had some hard days since losing her calf last week. But, her wound is closing up and we're seeing signs of progress in getting her healed physically. We aren't sure if she'll ever be more than a pasture "pet" at this point. And, we're okay with that!! If she proves she's never able to breed or produce more calves, as long as she's healed and not in pain, she's here to stay.

We know this is going to be a long road for all of us, especially for Lula.

I am on the fence concerning the other cows calving and Lula being a part of the pasture nursery. My hope is that she finds some relief in having the littles around. My fear is that it will cause more despair and searching for her lost calf.

Time will tell. We expect the others to start calving within the next 10-14 days.

In the meantime, she's due another 10cc's of Draxxin to continue fighting off any infection from the broken hip bone and open wound. We're going to run her through the chute again so the wound can be examined and cleaned, check her weight post-birth, give her some TLC and parasite treatment to help with the weight gain. And, hopefully that will be the last time for several months that we have to bother her through the healing process.

Speaking of parasite control...

We're set up now for monitoring our parasite levels regularly so that we can insure the herd maintains steady gains and builds resistance to as much as possible. I spent some of the weekend preparing their health records, but hope to automate them in the near future.

I also reached out to ServiTech Labs via AniPro to arrange testing of our forage and hay. Then contacted Microbac to have the herd's water supplies tested. And, now I'm working with Certified Laboratories and others like them to have meat samples tested for overall and detailed nutritional data.


One thing I've learned quickly is that all bison production is marketed the same...even those that are not investing as much in the health of their herds.

We did a lot of research on the bison we considered for our foundation herd. We looked at genetics, we considered their reproduction history, weights, gains, confirmation, and their attitudes, personality, social structure, and stability.

Look, this is a HUGE investment for us! We knew we'd prefer to have a small herd of the best we could provide for instead of a larger herd of 'come one come all' mixture.

So, our belief is that what we put into the herd, the herd will provide back to us ten-fold.

No, that doesn't mean we'll get rich from them. It means our goal is provide the healthiest environment for the herd as possible. With the guidance of our good friend at Blackfish Bison Ranch, we've realized how invaluable it is to know the herds baselines and recognize what changes in their environment is a plus or minus. And, as the results from testing's are returned, I'll share more in detail what the purpose was and how it will impact herd management.

Stay tuned for follow ups on the progression of that leg of this journey.

It may appear to some in the bison industry that this is extreme, many other bison ranches/farms follow the philosophy that these are wild animals and we don't need to interfere or intervene. Others are running their operation as a cattle production. We're running it as students of the herd. Knowing what makes them thrive, ie - grasses, minerals, etc and being able to work the land so that it provides the best for them - is the goal at our ranch. And, yes, Cadillac is friendly and probably a little tamer than a wild bison in Yellowstone. But I have to work around these animals, building some relationship and trust with them doesn't mean they are 'tame' or not wild. For me and for them it's to keep all of us safe!

I guess I can leave this weeks recap with some video of what our mornings are like around spoiled boy demanding he be the center of attention (even when I'm trying to get Lula in the corral for some medical care).

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